Thursday 20 November 2008

Wasting Prefect's Time

I just watched PC David Copperfield's program in BBC Panaroma because when the program shows up, I'm still in my home country cherishing every moment I could with someone special. As the video runs through, there are so many similarities with what I had when I was a Prefect in my school. Paperwork (as usual), chasing targets, catching criminals (which in this case is students that had offences), patrols etc, which made me a feeling of "Hey! We are not so different after all!!!" Yes, well, of course I cannot compare what I had with the real world police, which they had to deal with much more serious offences than I had faced back in school. 

Just for some sharing, like the usual bobbys, they report for duty, same with me, reporting for duty wherever I had been assigned to the area in the early morning, doing the normal patroling around the school, and if I found some students that look suspicious (which due to my intuition that he will be having some stuffs that is prohibited in school), I can stop and search him, it's just that I doesn't need to fill in a "Stop and Search form", but if I do found something prohibited item, I can remove the item from his possession, give him a slip which consist of my name, his name, date and the item description, less than 2 minutes and I'm on my way back to prefect room and look for the Group members that is responsible for prohibited items to file in the item I had, they will just put the item into a plastic bag, fill up the similar slip I just gave to the student, and I'm on my way back to my duty place.

Chasing targets, yes we do have targets to chase as well. You people must be having your jaws open, Prefects in school have targets to chase?? What world am I in?? We have a certain target to chase for in our personal notebook, which we had to hand in every friday, if we don't meet the targets, the group that is responsible for Demerit System will come looking for you, and which resulting something not really good happened, some Prefects actually fake up some names and offences to meet the targets, that happens when I'm no longer a Prefect so I don't know how the Board dealt with them. But er, what targets used for?? It only made Prefects or Bobbys a hard time.

Paperwork?? We do have, but not full with MG1-MGXX (I forgotten how many Manual of Guidance are there as now I only deal with MG11). Whenever something happened, which is something really bad happened including a fight, a fight with prefects etc, we will be spending some time in the prefect room, sitting at a corner and filling up Serious Offence Form, and will be handing the form to discipline teacher for further actions, and we still need to get the form back for photocopies and then hand the original form back to the discipline teacher, why don't photocopy it at the first place? Well, I can't because there is a column where the teacher need to fill in what he/she had done to the student and signature.

Now, enough of flashing back and had to get back to my work.

Links from PC David Copperfield that is enjoying his work in Canada and BBC.

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