Thursday 16 October 2008

Perverting the Course of Justice

Since the reviews of this book went up so high, I decided to buy myself one. What should I say? Well, for you can get it in with this link. And it worth every single penny on every page, for me. I end up reading this book rather than reading up the law cases I should have read them last week, so I'm burning midnight oil tonight to finish my law cases for tomorrow. 

Anyway, internet connection in my place hasn't been going too well, I told my friend about this, he asked back to me, since you study Forensic Science, you guys are good in tracing the source of problems, you should know what to do! Man, Forensic Science is not everything, I would rather leave this to those "pros". 

Law cases, where examples discussed by my lecturer, here's one, there is one case where someone talks to a mother with an infant, some how, I don't know how, but some how, the mother drops (i think, not paying 100% attention during class.) her infant and the infant unfortunately died. That someone is charged. Lesson No.1, never talk to someone with a baby.
Lesson No.2, similar case, but it's a woman that is pregnant. I forgotten about the details of the case, but the baby in her womb died, and the someone was charged. So, never talk to someone that is pregnant. Then, someone talks to a man, and don't know why and how again, the man had a heart attack and died, that someone is charged. Lesson No. 3, never talk to someone. Overall, just lock yourself inside your room and don't talk to anyone. ???

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